Classification of Musculoskeletal Tissue
Jondy Cohen, M.D.
Bone, like all solids can break. Physicians call
breaks in bone "fractures". While most people are aware that
normal bones can fracture under large forces, you may not be
aware that abnormal bones can break in response to normal
forces. Fractures of abnormal bone occurring under a normal
load are called "pathologic fractures". Examples of pathologic
fractures include breaks that occur through bone diseased by
infection, tumor, or osteoporosis. Such abnormal bone is
weaker than normal bone requiring less force to fracture. When
a patient reports breaking a bone with relatively little force
physicians must consider pathologic fracture as a possibility.
Soft tissues (tendon, ligament, and muscle) can also
fail under normal loads. A strong similarity exists between
injuries of hard tissue (fractures of bone) and injuries of
soft tissue (tearing of muscle, tendon, & ligament).
Although soft tissue injuries are not commonly categorized in
this manner, we find the distinction between traumatic and
pathologic fractures of bone useful in categorizing injuries
of soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament). We propose a
revised scheme for classifying both bone and soft tissue
musculoskeletal injuries based on the amount of force causing
the failure and whether the involved tissue has normal
In our office orthopaedic practice we often
see three types of injuries to musculoskeletal tissue which we
refer to as acute, chronic, and pathologic. These categories
differ in the quality of tissue involved, the strength of the
force required to cause the injury (high- or low-energy) [For
simplicity we categorized trauma to tissues as either high- or
low-energy. High-energy trauma will cause failure of normal
tissue. Low-energy trauma is of insufficient energy to cause
failure to normal tissue.] ,and the methods of treatment
required to heal the injury.
High-energy trauma
results in acute injuries. Such an injury has no prodromal
[occurring before the incident] pain. The pain usually starts
suddenly and decreases over time. Fractures of bone and
lacerations of tendons are examples of these injuries.
Low energy forces often cause microscopic injuries of
normal tissue such as microscopic tears of the collagen
fibrils that make up ligaments and tendons, or microscopic
fractures of bone. These injuries are so small that they do
not interfere with the normal function of the involved tissue.
Since no pain or loss of strength results from these small
lesions, the patient doesn't even know it's happened. Usually
tissue repairs itself from microscopic tears of collagen
fibrils or microscopic fractures of bone.
injuries result from low-energy trauma. Sometimes a low energy
force causes a microscopic tear or fracture and before the
body has time to repair the insignificant injury, another low
energy force to the same area occurs. Each successive low
energy traumatic event extends the tear or fracture.
Eventually, what started as an asymptomatic microscopic injury
slowly becomes a clinically evident macroscopic injury. Normal
tissue becomes increasingly abnormal and prone to failure. In
this way repetitive low energy trauma leads to symptomatic
macroscopic tears or fractures. Pain in such cases usually
starts slowly and builds with successive insults to tissues
that fail slowly. Maladies of this type are often well suited
to office treatment since most respond readily to
non-operative regimes. Treatment for chronic injuries includes
removing or altering the offending repetitive forces and
restoring normal tissue strength and tension. Plantar
fasciitis, tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis and stress
fractures of bone are all chronic injuries.
injuries are also a result of low-energy trauma. This injury
subtly differs from the chronic injury mentioned in the
preceding paragraph in that the cause of the tissue failure is
unrelated to the stress on the tissues. Examples include
fractures through a bony cyst or tumor, or fractures through
osteoporotic bone. The difference between chronic and
pathologic injuries is subtle yet important. Pathologic
failures occur in tissue already weakened by underlying
disease. Chronic injuries occur in normal tissue that becomes
weakened by the repetitive nature of the trauma.
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